Aug 28Liked by Renee - Itsbooktalk & More

My heart goes out to you. These little critters own pieces of our hearts forever. I’m glad you had such a delightful companion for so many years! Sending big hugs to you.

I read Harry’s Trees this summer, and adored it. I don’t much enjoy magical books but this had just a touch and it made for a fulfilling read. I only read it because it was an option in an online reading challenge I’ve been participating in this year, and I’m glad to have tried it.

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Thank you, I love that- they own pieces of our hearts forever- that's so accurate. And I'm so glad to hear you liked Harry's Trees, I didn't know anything about it but the shelf talker really sold me

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Aug 28Liked by Renee - Itsbooktalk & More

I love this post Renee and hope it helped heal your heart a bit. It’s clear that Toby was your sidekick will be greatly missed. Hugs friend.

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Thanks Katie❤️ It does feel better to write about him and share what's been going on. I think anyone who's loved a pet can relate.

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Sep 15Liked by Renee - Itsbooktalk & More

I’m so sorry to hear about Toby. I lost my 17 year old black cat in June and there’s definitely a hole in my heart.

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Thank you Vicki and I'm so sorry about your loss of your kitty. There's such a void in our house, I'm sure you can relate. We'll never forget them❤️

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Sep 1Liked by Renee - Itsbooktalk & More

I’m so sorry, Renee. Toby truly was the best boy. What a precious gift he was in your life for all of those years. Your tribute to him is so poignant, and it’s true that our furry family members can teach us so much. Toby was so fortunate to be part of your family, you gave him a wonderful life. My deepest sympathy to you and your family.

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Thank you Susan, I appreciate your thoughtful message❤️

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Aug 30Liked by Renee - Itsbooktalk & More

So sorry to hear of your cat companion passing. It really is a grief process all your own. I am glad you shared because we are animal lovers at our house, and sometimes non animal loving people just don't get it. I definitely do! I have a senior dig and he takes up my life in so many ways. The best being my companion. I hope you're feeling better soon. 💓

I have heard great things about Harry's Tree. Reminds me I need to read this sooner than later. Enjoy your books!

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Thank you Molly, I appreciate your message. It’s such an adjustment to make when a pet is gone, we’re just taking it easy this week. I will report back on Harry’s Trees when I read it:)

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Aug 29Liked by Renee - Itsbooktalk & More

Renee, I’m so sad to hear about Toby. What a void from your reading (and every other) life right now! He was obviously very fortunate to have you all as his family and I know he will be greatly missed! ❤️ I’m thrilled to see all of your exciting new book additions - something to look forward to.

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Thanks Tara❤️ we definitely did what we could to help him with his health issues, aging is hard for all even our animals. He had a fantastic life though. And books are my refuge so I’m feeling the pull to start something today:)

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Aug 29Liked by Renee - Itsbooktalk & More

Oh Renee, I'm so sorry. There's truly nothing like the love of a pet. It's so pure and so unconditional. I think that's why they mean so much to us. Nobody else really loves you like that!

I also loved Harry's Trees. It actually might be great timing for you now! It's such a gentle read that makes you feel good even though there are difficult themes.

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Thanks LeAnne, your words hit home- their love really is unconditional and pure. And our pets are always there to give it to us, even when they don’t feel themselves. Thanks for the nudge toward Harry’s Trees, if you liked it that means I have a great chance of enjoying it too:)

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Aug 29Liked by Renee - Itsbooktalk & More

Oh no!! So broken-hearted for you and will be thinking of you and Toby ❤️

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Aug 29Liked by Renee - Itsbooktalk & More

Toby looks (and sounds like) one special, adorable cat. You will remember him forever, I'm sure. It's heartbreaking saying good-bye to a much-loved pet. Thinking of you.

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Thanks Kay, He sure was a special boy with a big personality

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Aug 29Liked by Renee - Itsbooktalk & More

I’m so sorry Renee. Pets are family and they bring so much joy and love to our lives. Enjoy your scrapbooking as you will find comfort and healing. Your words are beautiful in this post . 🤍

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Thanks Reagan ❤️

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Aug 28Liked by Renee - Itsbooktalk & More

Sending you so much love, Tomcats are the best friends losing them is so hard. Your scrapbook sounds like a beautiful momento and healing process xxx

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Thanks Clara❤️

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Aug 28Liked by Renee - Itsbooktalk & More

Thank you for sharing the loss of Toby with us♥️ Love, love, love the lessons you learned from him. What an uplifting and sweet way to remember his life!

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Aug 28Liked by Renee - Itsbooktalk & More

so sorry for your loss.. loved your words on this! <3 sending love.

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Thank you so much, appreciate your message ❤️

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Aug 28Liked by Renee - Itsbooktalk & More

Renee I’m so sorry about precious Toby (my husbands name by the way). I lost my first dog Gus to cancer in 2017 and I still think of most days. He was my baby before I had a baby and the loss was so devastating to me. I’m sending thought and prayers your way as you navigate this. Take your time and take care of yourself!

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Thank you Ashley, our beloved pets are never far from our minds are they? I love the name Gus, he sounds like he was so special to you. Appreciate this❤️

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Aug 29Liked by Renee - Itsbooktalk & More

I named him Gus after the character in Lonesome Dove!

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Ahh, I haven’t read that but I actually just downloaded it on my kindle

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Aug 28Liked by Renee - Itsbooktalk & More

Oh Renee, so very sorry. Losing a pet is so hard to get over. I also had a memory book (used Shutterfly) and, years later, I still look through it a lot and am happy for the memories.

Of the books on your TBR, I do recommend Goldfinch and What You Looking for is in the Library.

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Thank you Jan❤️ I almost mentioned that I'd be using Shutterfly to make the scrapbook- they have so many options and make it so easy. I made a scrapbook of my dog Rocco (before Vinny) and I love looking through it and remembering the good times.

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Aug 28Liked by Renee - Itsbooktalk & More

Oh, Renee, I'm so sorry to hear about Toby! What a sweet, sweet boy he looks like. It's one of life's biggest heartbreaks that our pets can't be alongside us for our entire lives. I know how tough those first few days/weeks are without them. I'm glad you're finding some comfort in looking back on good memories with him <3

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Thank you Michelle, I know you've had a recent heartbreak with the loss of your sweet cat. Time heals but it's these first days that are so hard. I appreciate your kind words

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