May 20Liked by Renee - Itsbooktalk & More

I'm intrigued by Wolf At the Table, it seems like a polemic book!

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May 20Liked by Renee - Itsbooktalk & More

I'm very intrigued by The Lost Daughter! I might have to put that on my list to read 🤎

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Wolf at the Table sounds so good!!

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I had the exact same thoughts about Wolf at the Table (for instance, I thought Ronan was given too many pages. His storyline started to lose me). I've never felt such creeping dread reading a book... I feel like I'm still processing since I just finished it yesterday.

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Wolf At The Table is nudging its way on to my TBR list. This is the second review i have read today on this book. Not sold yet because I have so many books on my TBR as it is.

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