Jun 14Liked by Renee - Itsbooktalk & More

I nervously started All The Colors Of The Dark. It’s been one of my most highly anticipated books of Summer. Really good so far. đŸ€žđŸ»

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Jun 14Liked by Renee - Itsbooktalk & More

Me too, I'm 40% through it :D

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I am on a wait list for this!

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I sampled that and want to get back to it this month. We shall see.

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I’m looking forward to this book.

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The other book I'm finishing tonight is Digital Minimalism- it's quite thought provoking, I'm going to Barnes and Noble tomorrow to buy a copy and begin planning what my 30 day digital detox will look like. I really love that he makes it clear- it's not an all or nothing scenario, meaning no one has to go cold turkey on their apps or phones etc. It's more about figuring out the best plan for yourself as far what you want at the end of the 30 days. Tonight will be a night in and sampling about 8 different fiction books I have lined up- Nonfiction has been the perfect palate cleanser this week after my big dnf but I'm itching to find a novel to get lost in

A product I can't live without is my Drybar shower cap- I only wash my hair every few days (I have thick, dry hair and can get by with this:) and this shower cap keeps it completely dry in the show. Love it so much

My tbr organization is in progress as far as my ebooks go- I've got tons of books in my kindle and many in my Libby App and I've decided to begin adding them back into my Book Buddy app. I looked at some other apps - thanks for the suggestions Kathy- but since I bought this one and it does work great for keeping my books organized by title as long as I actually input the books, I'm going to stick with it. Then, I also have a print TBR shelf in our den at home and those books are separated fiction and nonfiction and each section is separated by height. I like seeing a straight line across the tops of the books, as well as having all titles mixed up (verses alphabetical) because I have a lot of fun browsing my shelves since I've forgotten most of what I put on them😂

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Jun 14Liked by Renee - Itsbooktalk & More

I just started House of Glass and Pink Glass Houses. I will probably confuse these titles for the rest of the year. Both promising at 10% each.

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Glass is popular this summer😅 I've got a copy of Pink Glass Houses, it sounds good.

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Jun 14Liked by Renee - Itsbooktalk & More

I’m re reading a 2002 publication, Dive From Clausen’s Pier by Ann Packer. The story has stayed with me through the years, one I frequently recommended . Told through first person narration, the novel centers on Carrie Bell's response to her fiancĂ©'s paralysis and through her reactions, questions the obligations and loyalty people have to those in their life. The novel is divided into three parts which detail the transitions of Carrie's life.

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This is such a haunting "what would you do book" - I read it when it came out but had forgotten what happened so I re-read it last year for the podcast. It would make for such a good book club discussion book

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Jun 15Liked by Renee - Itsbooktalk & More

Again, we have read many of the same books

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Jun 14Liked by Renee - Itsbooktalk & More

This novel broke me! I still think about it regularly and I read it 20 years. Most a book has ever made me cry.

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Jun 14Liked by Renee - Itsbooktalk & More

Such a great book told with so much grace and humanity! Worth a re-read for sure.

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Jun 16Liked by Renee - Itsbooktalk & More

I loved this book! I read it when it came out as well, and I think I have reread it a few times. I heard on the Book Riot podcast that Ann Packer has a new book coming out. I haven't been able to find anything about it, but I bet Renee could use her tricky research skills to find it.

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I'm on it!!! That's exciting news!

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Jun 15Liked by Renee - Itsbooktalk & More

Recently read this book and really liked it!

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Jun 14Liked by Renee - Itsbooktalk & More

I will have to add this to my list!

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Keep it in mind for when you're in the mood for complicated!

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Jun 14Liked by Renee - Itsbooktalk & More

I just finished Leaving by Roxana Robinson and man do I have some thoughts!!! But I loved her writing

I’m sitting at the Book Club Bar in NYC, which everyone in this thread should visit, and started Oye by Melissa Mogollon. Such an incredibly unique book, loving it so far!

No TBR organization here lol mostly just library holds dictating my reading life

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I'm with you on Leaving- I LOVED it but wow did I have thoughts, opinions, reactions, etc when I finished

well you have the perfect location for this Friday evening- NYC has everything- the Book Club Bar sounds delightful, enjoy your reading time!

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Jun 14Liked by Renee - Itsbooktalk & More

If you read any of her other books and enjoy them please publicly review them. My shelves are overflowing so I’m trying to read what I have rather than pursue side projects but I do want to read more of her work!

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Roxana Robinson's?

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Jun 14Liked by Renee - Itsbooktalk & More


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Gotcha, I did read another one of hers - Sweetwater and I really enjoyed it- 4 stars. I reviewed it on the March 19 episode of Book Talk etc if you'd want to listen- here's a link - https://www.booktalketc.com/1749254/14714753-books-by-female-authors-favorite-debuts

It had elements of Leaving but wasn't as propulsive. Still a good read, especially if you like family and marital drama

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Jun 15Liked by Renee - Itsbooktalk & More

Thank you!

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Jun 14Liked by Renee - Itsbooktalk & More

I just finished The Familiar by Leigh Bardugo- i loved the Spanish Inquisition setting and lush details. I'm going to start In Ascension by Martin MacInnes this weekend. I love my book bean from Book Beau, it holds my books on my lap so I don't have to hold them up (Good for chunky books)

I organize my TBR on a word doc that lists everything coming out that month, books clubs etc, but also on the notes app with the next month and dates of upcoming book clubs.

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I just finished The Familiar as well. It took me awhile to really get into it and then I couldn’t stop listening (audio was great). The funny thing is that I am now reading Descent by Tim Johnston- going the other direction from you 😆

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Jun 14Liked by Renee - Itsbooktalk & More

I read A Little Life, which I have complicated thoughts about, and I Am the Messenger by Markus Zusak which I really liked! My local bookseller recommended it and I'd never heard of it before but it's by the author of The Book Thief. It was propulsive and great for a plane ride!

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Two big books! I downloaded I Am the Messenger last year but didn't have time to dip into it, I actually didn't know it was propulsive, adding it back onto my tbr

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Jun 14Liked by Renee - Itsbooktalk & More

I have I Am A Messenger but haven’t read it. I will now!

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Jun 14Liked by Renee - Itsbooktalk & More

I read Tehrangeles this week-it was so fun! I also finished Rom-Commers, which was cute. A product I can’t live without is my sleep Bluetooth headband—I fall asleep listening to British narrators.

My TBR is just a monthly priority list on my notes app. I’m a huge mood reader so it often changes. I do try to read one horror, one romance, one spiritual book, and one self-help or memoir each month—that’s the formula that brings me the most joy.

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I'm a mood reader too, I think having a formula sounds so doable, I love that you found what works for you

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Where did you find your headband? I’m sure my husband would appreciate not having to listen to my sound machine every night!

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Jun 14Liked by Renee - Itsbooktalk & More

I read A Letter to the Luminous Deep in print and audio combo which added to the reading experience and a lighter book, Just Another Love Song by Kerry Winfrey that I enjoyed.

My TBR is organized in a few ways with a list in my notes app of all of the book club or buddy reads I plan to read that month and then I have a google doc on my phone of a tentative full list of my TBR plan (though I often switch it around). I also grab the physical books off of my shelves and make a pile on my nightstand as an immediate TBR.

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We're similar in our tbr approaches Rachel! I'm working on having a master full tbr list on my Book Buddy app and then I typically pull one or 2 print books off my print shelves and move them into the kitchen where I ideally I grab one and read it but usually I end up looking at them until they get put back on the shelves and the process starts over😆

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Jun 14Liked by Renee - Itsbooktalk & More

I started Lawrence Block’s Matthew Scudder series. There are 17 books in all, they’re set in 1970s NYC and have an amazing sense of time and place. I read 2 in the last week! Very enjoyable with the “dated references” tw

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Jun 14Liked by Renee - Itsbooktalk & More

I started that series a while ago but never continued on. Interesting and fun to read since there’s no technology for the characters to use. No cell phones no computers lol

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Love stories set in the 70s and 80s pre cell phones!

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I love a novel set in the 70’s

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Jun 14Liked by Renee - Itsbooktalk & More

I am reading Women and Children First and Mary Jane!

I can’t live without Cliniques Take the Day Off Charcoal cleansing balm.

I’m a total mood reader so I don’t have a set TBR although I do read seasonally so right now I’m focused on all the fun beachy type reads and I love mysteries and thrillers in the Summer!

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I'm a huge seasonal reader too- I keep passing by Rock Paper Scissors by Alice Feeney on my print shelf but its set during winter with snow and I just can't read it now😅 The curse of being a seasonal mood reader. I hope you're enjoying Mary Jane!!

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Jun 14Liked by Renee - Itsbooktalk & More

I’ve been loving setting aside certain books for certain seasons - it’s such a nice way to tune into your environment!

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I love this too!

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I really enjoy that as well!

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The way I 'organize' my TBRs is shameful, so let's not even talk about that ;-)

I just started The Sunlit Night by Rebecca Dinerstein last night — possible book for our upcoming podcast episode about Norway. The reviews are VERY mixed: Lots of 5 stars, lots of 1 stars. I've read the first two (long) chapters, and I'm loving it. It's described as quirky, and I would say it is, but it's not whimsical, if that makes sense. I'm reading it with a mental Wes Anderson attitude, and that's really working. The action is all in NYC right now, but soon, it will move to Norway's Lofoten islands. —Mel

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You are really putting so many titles that I haven't heard of on my tbr- I thank you:) Sometimes I think it's so fun to read a book with those types of ratings because I want to find out which side I land on

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I finished this book yesterday, and I loved it! It's quirky but not whimsical, has great relationships/characters, and a very strong sense of Lofoten, Norway.

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Adding to my Strong Sense of Place TBR right now! This morning I listened to your trains episode and added all 3 of your picks! I LOVE stories set on trains, especially if there's a mystery and the journey is through exotic locales. I haven't read it yet but last month I bought Orient Express by Graham Greene and I'm planning on starting it soon

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Jun 17Liked by Renee - Itsbooktalk & More

Oooh, fun! I hope you like the books!

You know from listening to that show that I love train stories SO much. We're going to Slovenia, Croatia, and Italy this summer, and all of our travel is on trains (and a ferry!). I put The Lady Vanishes on my list for that - fun re-read when we're going through Slovenia! There's also a newish book I'm curious about: The Main Character by Jaclyn Goldis I talked about it in this episode of our mini-podcast - https://strongsenseofplace.com/lolts/lolt-2024-05-31/ It's a murder mystery on a train in Italy set aboard the refurbished Orient Express (!!!).

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That trip truly sounds amazing! I have a copy of Main Character which caught my eye because it's set on the orient express!

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Jun 18Liked by Renee - Itsbooktalk & More

We definitely are book twins. The end.

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Mel! I love your podcast! I was so happy that the new season started. I also just saw one of your Instagram posts about the Oregon coast, which is where I live. At first I gasped because I thought you were going to do a full episode about the Oregon coast...then I realized it was just a picture. You should keep us on your radar for future episodes!

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Sadly, we are not physically in Oregon. I just loved that photo :-) We will definitely get to Oregon eventually; we'll do all the US states at some point .This season, by request of our Patrons, we're doing Seattle. So close!

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Jun 14Liked by Renee - Itsbooktalk & More

I finished Rebecca and loved it. As a pallet cleanser, i read Mercy by Victor Methos and am now reading Death Comes To Marlow by Robert Thorogood. That pretty much sums up my method for organizing my TBR. I read one what I call heavy book and then two books on the lighter side before diving into another heavy book. I rely on technology to assist me and daily living so I have to say the thing I cannot live without as my phone and the apps that help me. And wine of course hahaha hope you all know that I’m just kidding. I love my wine but I can live without it.

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haha I enjoy my wine too - but could also live without it:) So glad Rebecca worked out for you- your week sounds like a huge reading success!

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Jun 14Liked by Renee - Itsbooktalk & More

I am way judging you over here Kathy 😂 as I’m thinking when is it 5:00 and I can have a glass!

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as my grandma always said, it's 5:00 somewhere đŸ€Ł

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Jun 14·edited Jun 14Liked by Renee - Itsbooktalk & More

I really enjoyed Mercy and The Neon Lawyer. Just got two more of his from kindle unlimited which I’m trying for summer travel season.

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Jun 14Liked by Renee - Itsbooktalk & More

I just had bought mercy this past week on Audible sale. I really like the series and I like the shorter books. Considering getting more.

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You and Kathy have influenced me to grab Mercy- I don't know why I haven't read it yet because I loved The Neon Lawyer so much

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Jun 14Liked by Renee - Itsbooktalk & More

I'm reading Agatha Christie, "Miss Marple; The Complete Short Stories." Short fiction fits my reading capability for some reason, and I always listen to my IBL, Inner Book Lover, on such matters... lol.

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Jun 14Liked by Renee - Itsbooktalk & More

I don't really organize my TBR... I try to find a balance between recent books and backlist ones that have been given as a present or I bought a while ago... but I don't always manage this haha

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Jun 14Liked by Renee - Itsbooktalk & More

I’m listening to Cue the Sun - The History of Reality TV by Emily Nussbaum. It’s very well researched but be warned it’s 15 hours on audio.

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Jun 14Liked by Renee - Itsbooktalk & More

This week I read and finished The Lost Bookshop by Evie Woods, a 5 star read that I loved and The ballad of Jaquotte Delahay which I also loved. I’m doing a slow read of Mansfield Park by Austen and I started The Square of Sevens. My TBR is not very organized. I am involved in several online book clubs so I read for those and then I usually read what comes up next on Libby.

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Libby dictates a lot of what I read next too, those holds love to come in at the same time!

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Jun 14Liked by Renee - Itsbooktalk & More

They sure do, I wish they would dribble in. 😂

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Jun 16Liked by Renee - Itsbooktalk & More

After reading and studying classics and "semi-classic novels" as an English teacher... since retiring I've begun to enjoy Agatha Christie mysteries, starting with short stories. What an amazing imagination she had...

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Jun 16Liked by Renee - Itsbooktalk & More

Last year I read her autobiography. It was excellent!

Autobiography, An https://a.co/d/6c3JRvq

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Thank you! It's on my "Next To Read" shortlist!

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As a mystery lover I can't quite believe I haven't read Agatha Christie yet! I keep saying I'm going to, I loved the move Murder on the Orient Express and Death on the Nile so I'm sure I'd like her books

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Jun 15Liked by Renee - Itsbooktalk & More

I'm going to start reading a Nancy Drew book for the weekend called The Secret of the Old Cloak by Carolyn Keene

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Nancy Drew books started my love of reading. And probably why I like mysteries so much. Enjoy!

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Jun 14Liked by Renee - Itsbooktalk & More

Currently reading: Such a Bad Influence by Olivia Meutner

Product: red lens blue light blocking glasses for the evening, they’re helped my hormonal issues, sleep and stress - I put them on from about 7pm!

Tbr: god knows honestly! I have a pile on my bedside table, but my bedside table is a cabinet so I have a continued tbr of about 40 books inside it! And I have a TBR collection on Kindle. I do use Notion monthly to plot out what I plan to read which is the closest that I stick to!

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I had blue light blocking put into my reading glasses and I think it really helps, I’m on my laptop so much I need that blue light to be minimal

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These ones are dark red and they make you go into sleepy mode really quick! https://boncharge.com/collections/blue-light-blocking-glasses

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Oh wow- these look incredible -thanks for sharing

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I read an old YA historical fiction book "Time Enough for Drums" and I LOVED it. I tried to read Carley Fortune's book--"This Summer Will Be Different" and it was so bad, I only made it to Chapter 3.

A product I can't live without? My JBL bluetooth speaker.

MY TBR: an old-fashioned notebook! I wrote down books I want to read, then put them on reserve at the library. I don't buy many books unless they're so special that I would reread. I read so much that I'd be broke (and I also hate clutter). So whatever is on the library stack or in my kindle--I read those.

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Jun 14Liked by Renee - Itsbooktalk & More

As for organizing my TBR. Hahaha. I have some books strewn on my bed. They are ever changing, and those are the ones I am currently reading and hoping to get too. I make myself pretty nuts with these, bc there is always so much I want to get to. As I mentioned, I just read the sequel Long Island by Tóibín, so that may be the theme (sequels & series!!) for the Summer. Oprah just announced Familiaris by David Wroblewski as her Summer pick. She’d chosen The Story of Edgar Sawtelle way back in 2008. So this is the follow up. I also want to read Elin Hilderbrand’s last book in her Nantucket series, Swan Song. Along with the books on my bed, I have other current library books on a bedside table, along with whatever Goodreads wins (usually advance copies/but not always) I need to get too! So to answer the question: do I organize?! Not exactly, but there is an ongoing process & I am very aware of what I want to read. Some will have to be sacrificed and replaced by others. Oh, and I am always, always at the limit of hold requests at the local library! As soon as I pick up one, I can never resist adding to the list.

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Your methods sound so very familiar to me:) I have the best luck with Oprah's picks and I did download Familiaris, will I get to it, who knows haha

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Trying to decide if I want to tackle Familiaris or not. I didn’t read the first one though, but this is supposed to be a prequel.

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Jun 15Liked by Renee - Itsbooktalk & More

Aaaahhh! I had not realized it was the prequel. That is interesting! I have a copy of Edgar that I picked up not long ago at a local library book sale. I specifically got it when I saw the Oprah book club emblem on the cover. I can’t recall if I knew Familiaris was coming out or not. So, technically I can read Familiaris first! Thanks for the clarification.

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I'm about 1/3 of the way through The Husbands, and while I can't turn the pages fast enough, I'm hoping there is more to this for the last 2/3 than disappearing and appearing husbands. It fun so far and I've laughed out loud several times.

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I have a copy of this but didn't realize it was funny- you're the second person today to say that!

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What did you think of the last 2/3? I found it to be more of the same...enjoyable at first but then I got bored.

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I haven't finished the book yet, I got sidetracked by other things. I'm half way through it now and husbands are still disappearing and reappearing, so not much has changed. I'm to the point where I'm getting tired of it and ready to do something different--I don't know if that happens or not. lol

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Jun 14Liked by Renee - Itsbooktalk & More

I finished Long Island by Colm TĂłibĂ­n and absolutely loved it from start to finish. It is the sequel to Brooklyn and picks up 25 years later. I loved how the story is told from different characters viewpoints. What I loved most was how the story starts off with a bang and grabs you immediately.

I went to book club and we discussed Sing, Unburied, Sing by Jesmyn Ward. There were mixed feelings about who liked it or not because it is a very dark, depressing story. But despite that, the book sure had us talking. I love her writing. And with Ward, I have learned that I like magical realism and that it is not at all what I thought Magical Realism was.

Then, lastly I picked up Annabel Monaghan’s Summer Romance, thinking it could be something lighter and seems like the perfect start to Summer reading, right? Unfortunately after Mr. Tóibín’s brilliant, understated writing, I just could not get into this book. A very scattered start. My favorite of hers was Nora Goes Off Script. I know I should probably follow along and give this a chance, and who knows, I might pick it back up. But for now there are too many great things to read. I DNFd it.

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sounds like it could be wrong book wrong time, and it will be there if it calls you back:) I loved Nora too but her new one just hasn't called to me. I will give it a try if I get in a "lighter" mood

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I loved Long Island too, even with that ending!!!! I want more!

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Jun 15Liked by Renee - Itsbooktalk & More

The author gave the best explanation about that ending on Oprahsbookclub IG account. He basically says: never tell too much. He says the reader would feel cheated. He said “leave me to imagine this little last scene.” He felt it would be tactless and interfere with the reader’s experience. Pretty brilliant on his part, if you ask me! And I felt the ending was left open, possibly for another book. I hope so. Truly both were the best books I have read in a while.

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Yes I really loved them both as well. I saw that interview also. I see his point, but I still want more because I loved these characters so much.

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Jun 14Liked by Renee - Itsbooktalk & More

I have a spreadsheet with a tab of TBR books I would like to get to but I am a mood reader so I don’t always stick to it because I also like to read new releases. It’s a never ending problem.

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I hear you, it's the curse and beauty of being a mood reader and having the abundance of unlimited book choices:) I feel like I'm bouncing between new releases and backlist all the time

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Jun 17Liked by Renee - Itsbooktalk & More

I finished The Woman In Cabin 10 by Ruth Ware (3.5 star) and Night Watch by Jayne Anne Phillips (5 star) and have decided on The Good People by Hannah Kent for my next read. She wrote Burial Rites and I thought it was so good.

What I’m loving lately is Oui vanilla yogurt. It comes in cute little glass jars and is really thick and yummy.

I finally tackled my kindle tbr. I cleared my downloads and then went through my All library and downloaded books I plan to read for the rest of the year. A couple are Christian living type books, a couple of nonfiction, and the rest are all fiction, mostly mysteries. I’m also a mood reader but I’m just sending samples to my kindle when I come across new books to read and I will check those out before deciding whether or not to continue.

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I haven't heard of Night Watch, glad that was a winner. I've always wondered about The Woman in Cabin 10 - good for you tackling your kindle tbr! I also do the send samples to kindle method that way I don't forget that I wanted to read something and it's there for me to try anytime I want:)

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Jun 18Liked by Renee - Itsbooktalk & More

Night Watch is a Pulitzer Prize winner, set in post Civil War years about a girl and her non-speaking mother who were taken to the Trans-Alleghany Lunatic Asylum in Weston WV, about an hour+ south of me. In that era, there was humane treatment of people with mental health illnesses and a variety of reasons for going there, including PMS. The hospital closed on the mid 1990’s like most other similar facilities and had gotten a reputation like other facilities for less than humane treatment.

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Jun 16Liked by Renee - Itsbooktalk & More

As for how I do my TBR, I basically add books to a list I named TBR on Amazon. I don't love my system, but it's easy as pie. Then I go through and delete them from the list as I've read, sampled, DNFed, or lost interest in them. Sometimes I use the list to put things on hold on Libby. I also use the Currently Reading book tracker, and there is a TBR tab on that spreadsheet where I try to add things if I have a recommendation source. I am trying to keep better track of where I hear of books (or who recommended it on a podcast or Instagram) but I'm not as good at that.

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There's something to be said for having an easy tbr method- whatever works works!

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Jun 16Liked by Renee - Itsbooktalk & More

Just started Margo's Got Money Troubles. Huge BOTM win for me! At least so far!

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Jun 16Liked by Renee - Itsbooktalk & More

I'm reading in print and listening at the same time to Against the Loveless World by Susan Abulhawa with a buddy read group from Currently Reading. It is a novel about a Palestinian woman who was born in the 1970s in Kuwait to Palestinian refugees. It follows her life and many difficult decisions she had to make while alternating with her reflecting from prison. Since I just read the Hundred Years War on Palestine, I have more background knowledge about the conflict/history than I normally would going into a book like this, and I find that it adds more to my reading experience. It has been a hard book to read knowing what is going on currently, but it is very good.

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This sounds like a very interesting pairing. I will be adding both of these books to my list.

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They are both well worth the read!

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Jun 15Liked by Renee - Itsbooktalk & More

I just finished distress signals, I was close to DNF, it got better towards the end with a couple of twists, I just started listening to Barefoot by Elin Hilderbrand, I only read her books in the summer, they are definitely summer reads!

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I enjoyed Distress Signals when I read it but it was years ago and I can’t remember many details- but I think it’s a great for a trouble at sea sort of mood. I loved Barefoot!

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Jun 15Liked by Renee - Itsbooktalk & More

I just finished The Return of Ellie Black by Emiko Jean on audio, and I enjoyed the full cast and the story. I listened while on a recent flight, and it was a nice distraction.

I love the beauty product Night Repair by Estee Lauder. It is a repeat buy, and I am never without it.

For books to read next, I have a small bookshelf in my bedroom that I browse and also several books on my Kindle. I love having this little bookshelf, and it brings me happiness. I don't keep books, so my bookshelf is only for books I haven't read. Sometimes I make a list with 5 books to read next that I put in my book journal which I use for book titles I am interested in reading.

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I love that your bookshelf brings you happiness, I feel the same about my print tbr shelves as well as my 5 star reads shelves of my all time favorites. I've been trying to move about 6-7 books from my print tbr shelf into the kitchen where I can see and remember that those are ones I really want to read

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Jun 15Liked by Renee - Itsbooktalk & More

I am currently reading Murder in the Family by Cara Hunter, The Inmate by Freida McFadden, and listening to Table for Two by Amor Towles.

I keep my TBR in Trello for the most part though what I read next is often dictated by what becomes available from the library or what shows up in my Little Free Library.

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Are you liking Table for Two?

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Jun 15Liked by Renee - Itsbooktalk & More

I am enjoying it with a couple of caveats - I'm not much of an audiobook person and since the first half is short stories rather than a continuous story, I found myself forgetting that I had been listening to it when I grabbed my earbuds to go out for a walk or I got in the car so it's talking me a long time to get through it. I know you listen to a lot of audiobooks so you may not find yourself as distracted by podcasts, music, etc. The other thing was that I didn't read any summaries about it, just grabbed it from Spotify when I saw they had the new Amor Towles, so I didn't know part of it was a novella about Evelyn Ross from Rules of Civility. Had I know that, I might have taken the time to reread that book as I read it a long time ago.

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thanks for the feedback, I do think I'm going to read Rules of Civility first, it's been on my tbr forever anyway:)

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Jun 14Liked by Renee - Itsbooktalk & More

I'm reading What Kingdom, a challenging novella about mental illness and treatment, by Fine Grabol, translated from Danish. It's the June book from my Green Apple Books subscription. Green Apple is a fantastic indie chain in San Francisco and their subscription book is often challenging, usually something I've never heard of. They are very often in translation and/or short stories so they really push me out of my comfort zone. This is my second Green Apple book from Archipelago Books. They publish really lovely little volumes that are pleasant to hold and feature artwork on the thick paper covers.

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Thank you so much for sharing this book subscription service! That sounds like something I'd like- I'm always looking for books in translation that I haven't heard of- over the past year or so I've been noticing that French translated books in particular have been huge hits for me.

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Jun 14Liked by Renee - Itsbooktalk & More

I had a great reading week! I read Moby Dyke (thanks Renee!), Summer Romance, and Real Americans. All 4+ ⭐! I was nervous about the latter two due to mixed reviews and happily loved both! Currently reading and very unexpectedly enjoying The Unknown Beloved (should finish today) and just started The Enchanted.

No TBR organization here! A mood read who chooses from what’s available!

Over the last year I’ve really gotten into sugar free coffee syrups that I can get cheaply from TJ Maxx and Marshall’s. I put them in coffee, protein shakes, oatmeal, and even a mocha in yogurt bowls with peanut butter powder!

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So happy Moby Dyke was a winner!

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Ooh I haven't heard of The Unknown Beloved, keep me updated on that one!

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Jun 15Liked by Renee - Itsbooktalk & More

It’s on Kindle unlimited and I did about half on Kindle and half on the audio that came with it. It’s a mashup of historical fiction, romance, and a mystery that’s based on an actual serial killer. It’s way outside my usual wheelhouse and I ended up really enjoying it. I just downloaded another one of hers to have with me as we travel again next week so we’ll see if I get to it and have the same success.

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I’m going to reread Brooklyn and then Long Island. Both books are by Colm Tóibín.

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That is how I approached it and I’m not sorry. So much more enjoyable.

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It’s been a lovely morning being back in Brooklyn. I love this book.

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