
This week I finished Perris, California by Rachel Stark. I ended up loving it! This weekend I'm planning on starting The Stand by Stephen King .

A few of my favorite book products are these tabs - https://amzn.to/3LXNePR,

and this neck reading light - https://amzn.to/4dwAwTW

My Kindle Oasis is probably my most cherished book product, I love reading on it, I love the side buttons and the fact I can switch hands easily and I really love reading on dark mode at night.

I usually prefer reading in silence, but sometimes I'll have an ASMR coffee shop jazz from You Tube playing in the background and I like to tailor it to the weather that day, so sunny outdoor coffee shops in Italy and Paris this summer and then in the fall or on rainy days, coffee shops with rain falling outside, candles burning inside and maybe a cat sleeping for an added touch:)

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Aug 9Liked by Renee - Itsbooktalk & More

I've been meaning to get some new tabs so I think I'll try those, thanks! The ones I have now don't stick very well and it's endlessly frustrating.

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the ones I have stick great and are also easily removed without tearing the paper, I love the color variety too

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Aug 9Liked by Renee - Itsbooktalk & More

The reading lights are so affordable. I’ve been searching for a pair appropriate for reading when my husband want to sleep and I want to read. Thanks for the rec

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I love this neck one because it adjusts angles easily and I don't have to clip it only my book

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Aug 9Liked by Renee - Itsbooktalk & More


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Aug 9Liked by Renee - Itsbooktalk & More

This week I finished the Bill Hodges Stephen King series End of Watch and wow! That was amazing! I’ll start Holly soon. I did start the audiobook Gunkle and it’s fun and bittersweet and the narrator/author is a kick.

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Isn't that series so good!! I loved Bill Hodges, Holly and Jerome- and Brady oh my gosh what a psychopath. Absolutely loved that finale Stephen King put in End of Watch. I think you'll really like Holly too. KIng's imagination, whew he went to some interesting places in Holly

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Aug 9Liked by Renee - Itsbooktalk & More

I love Stephen King in the fall. ☺️

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Aug 9Liked by Renee - Itsbooktalk & More

I loved that series too!

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Aug 9Liked by Renee - Itsbooktalk & More

So partly a book & partly a bookish product because it’s more of a reference book, I recently got a copy of James Mustich’s 1000 Books to Read Before You Die - I listened to the author’s interview on WSIRN podcast and found out that it took him 13/14 years to write this. It’s really well done, all the reviews are thoughtful, insightful, and smart - written by a true book lover as opposed to a critic. It also is a hardcover with dust jacket that’s clothbound underneath and includes more book recommendations underneath the official list + has full colour illustrations + has the checklist in the back + index! it’s such a treasure. I’ve read about 20-30 books on the list, I haven’t officially counted. Recently, I picked up and finished Wide Sargasso Sea which was on my TBR and also included on the list.

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This sounds like a wonderful book and one that would make a great gift for book lovers, so glad you shared it!

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Aug 10Liked by Renee - Itsbooktalk & More

I finished All the Colors of the Dark with a mix of audio and print (loved, but was dark 5 stars though) and All This & More in print. That book was a mixed bag for me. The premise and structure was fun and interesting, but it is very plot forward for my personal reading taste so sometimes I didn’t care about the characters especially when there were times I thought it got ridiculous in the plot. It did come together in the end and I was engaged the whole time so I think I am landing at 3.5/3.75 stars. I am now reading The Cuban Heiress by Chanel Cleeton in print and it is starting off strong with a mix of historical fiction and mystery. I also am reading on audio a fun sequel to a middle grade fantasy book I enjoyed last year coming off reading All the Colors of the Dark.

I love a fun reading t-shirt and I gave several. I also am loving my reading blanket that I have to have while reading on the couch. I got it at a my favorite things party which is a party where each person brings 5 of the same item of something that is their favorite thing. You go around sharing what you brought and then everyone gets a turn to pick an item so you leave with 5 items that are other people’s favorite things. I got this blanket and I of course brought a book (Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo), it was so much fun!

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Thanks for your book thoughts! My book club does a favorite things exchange in Dec and it's so fun. We each bring 3 and everyone leaves with great gifts

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Love that favorite things party- how fun - am definitely going to host one of those. Thanks for sharing the idea!

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Aug 9·edited Aug 9Liked by Renee - Itsbooktalk & More

I finished The Best Kind of People by Zoe Whittall. This was a Kindle graveyard read for me. I ended up at 3.5 stars. Super difficult topic, didn't love how the second half of the book went, but I really couldn't DNF, had to have a resolution which was somewhat provided. Tough one to review.

I LOVE, LOVE my Kindle Scribe. I have had this for about a year now and I still use it every single day not only for reading, but for work notes, journaling and more. It is still my favorite thing. It has replaced my old ipad...for me I enjoy not having the web, texts, etc popping up when I am reading. I like having this as just a book / notebook -- simple.

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Ooh I’ll have to check this out, maybe I’ll put it on my Christmas list:)

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Aug 9Liked by Renee - Itsbooktalk & More

I also love my Kindle Scribe! The size is so perfect for writing notes and I love that you can access the notes on the Kindle app. The feeling is super close to pen + paper!

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Aug 9Liked by Renee - Itsbooktalk & More

I started A Little Life and I’m struggling. I’ve heard I need to stick with it for the first 100 pages and then I’ll be hooked. Hoping that’s true! I also finished Guilty Creatures, a non-fiction true crime book that Tina talked about. Happy reading! 📚

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This is true about A Little Life. I remember when I started reading it I texted a friend and said that nothing was happening haha. Her advice was to give it 150-200 pages - I did and it's true, there will come a point in the story where all of sudden it shifts in tone and things start happening and for me, I couldn't stop reading. I became consumed. That being said, you may not want to give it that long and that's ok:)

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Aug 9Liked by Renee - Itsbooktalk & More

I’m looking forward to the turning point! Thanks!

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You may get there and still decide it’s not for you:) although it’s an all time favorite of mine it’s not one of the books I widely recommend due to the subject matter. Either way I hope you’ll share your thoughts!

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Aug 9Liked by Renee - Itsbooktalk & More

Spoken as someone in the minority on A Little Life...I finished the book and was so underwhelmed and saddened and kind of grossed out and for a very long time, I didn't hear anyone with a similar opinion. After forcing myself to slog through A Little Life, I was able to much more asily DNF books. So, I guess there was something positive after all.

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I had the opposite reaction to this book, but you're not alone in your thoughts and feelings about it. I actually hosted A Little Life book club at my house back in Feb of 2020. I re-read it for the discussion but everyone else (10 ladies) had read it for the first time. The opinions and feelings were all over the place, but several women felt like you did. Over the years I've come to think it's a love it or hate it book. For me, it continues to hold me in its grip, I read it in 2015 and nothing has been able to bump it from my top spot yet - wow I can't believe it's almost been 10 years! I do love that it led you to embrace dnf'ing:)

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Aug 11Liked by Renee - Itsbooktalk & More

Those polarizing books make for great book club discussions!

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I know a few people with nearly the exact same opinion! That's actually why I've decided not to give it a try.

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I struggled with A Little Life too. I have it ready to go as I’m going to try to give it another shot. Just keep putting off because I do know that I will struggle with the first 100 pages. Please keep us posted if you make it!

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That’s funny - I started it once before too and gave up. I’m trying again because I keep hearing how great it is. I’ll keep you posted!

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I know Renee loves A Little Life but I read it when it came out in 2016 (?) and I truly still feel damaged, like if anyone asks me if they should read it I fervently say don't because of how traumatic it is.

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Oh gosh, that makes me a little nervous. Thanks for your input. I do know that the subject matter is extremely difficult and I’m starting to get into some of Jude’s background now (133 pages in). So many people rave about it but I have also heard a few people refer to it as trauma porn. I’m going to keep going but if it’s too much l will stop. Eek.

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I think this book could’ve been what coined the term “trauma porn”. The characters are lovable but the incessant and otherworldly pain Jude is put through just felt excessive to me!

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I will check back in with you when I finish it!

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Aug 10Liked by Renee - Itsbooktalk & More

I started These Impossible Things and Wandering Souls yesterday and I'm looking forward to both! The only book related purchases I tend to buy are book nerd-ish clothes! I didn't realize until this post that I have t shirts, socks, and a hat reflecting my book love. And of course I want more! : )

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I need a good book hat, I've wore the same Ohio State hat for years and it's so comfy but so worn out

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I got mine from Out of Print. I think my socks are from there too.

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Aug 9Liked by Renee - Itsbooktalk & More

I am finally “getting into” The God Of The Woods. It felt very slow to me at the start and I put it down several times. But there has been such a buzz, so I am trying to stick with it. I only have a few days to read before we leave on a month long trip and I know I will not be able to recheck it, so back it goes to the library. I am however waiting till the day prior to leaving to pick up another hold: The Friday Afternoon Club by Griffin Dunne. That will be my in flight read and fingers crossed, I might be able to recheck it. If not I will pay a little over a $2 fine. Some other holds, including The God Of The Woods all came in at once & a little too early to be able to take them on my trip. I put in new requests for All The Colors Of The Dark and Same As It Ever Was and then suspended the holds for when I get back. I bought a copy of Verity, which came highly recommended, even though I am not a Colleen Hoover fan. Also purchased The All Of It by Jeannette Haien and Summer Light by Roxanna Robinson and Light Years by James Salter. I’ll probably take at least 2 of those along as well. They are nice smaller sizes. As for bookish products, my daughter (who will be living in Spain & in a program where she will move countries durinf the school year/hence our trip before we leave her there) bought a Kindle. She is so excited about it. I absolutely hate it. I know, a strong word! The size is too wide for my hand. I cannot see well. The screen looks grayish in color. She got the lesser expensive one. I think she should return it honestly. But it is not for me, so we’ll see. I just got a new pair of progressives and they are driving me nuts. I feel like ripping them off my face and tossing them across the room. Great for distance, but I think I bought a pair with lenses that are too deep (was trying to be more stylish!) and have a hard time finding the sweet spot for reading. I am reading with my glasses off and the book close to my face, hahaha.

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Enjoy your trip! I hope your those books you’re taking are winners for you and that you end up enjoying God of the Woods. How exciting for your daughter too! That sounds like a great experience. I can’t do progressives, my eye dr asked me if I wanted to try them but they gave me a motion sick feeling so I stick with my regular readers. I have to wear them these days for kindle reading too, otherwise the words look hazy

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Aug 10Liked by Renee - Itsbooktalk & More

I may need to try readers! I had a pair that was working well, but I think it is an issue with the frame size.

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Aug 9Liked by Renee - Itsbooktalk & More

I read We Burn Daylight, The Spellshop, and Americanah this week. Americanah is a slow but steady read that I’m really enjoying. The Spellshop was a sweet and charming romantasy. I’ll be reading The Sicilian Inheritance, One-Star Romance, and One Perfect Couple this weekend.

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Aug 9Liked by Renee - Itsbooktalk & More

I finished College Girl Missing on audio and The Briar Club which we discussed at book club on Tuesday and everyone loved! The fellow members said the liked The Rose Code and Diamond Eye better which I have not read. I feel like I need a fast paced thriller now or I might start Wedding People.

I hope this link works but I gifted myself and several people for Christmas last year this personalized bookshelf sweat shirt from Etsy and it was a hit!

Look what I found on Etsy:https://www.etsy.com/listing/1647575879/custom-bookshelf-sweatshirt-for?ref=share_v4_lx

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How was College Girl Missing? I have a copy of that and it's one I've been interested in reading. I loved The Diamond Eye, that's my only Kate Quinn read, maybe I'll try The Rose Code before her new one. That sweatshirt is the cutest! I might gift that to myself:) I'd get black- and what fun to choose my 10 books to put on there!! It has to be books I have no doubt about changing my mind on haha

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Aug 9Liked by Renee - Itsbooktalk & More

I know it was hard to pick the books! I get tons of compliments and questions on it! Great conversation starter. College Girl Missing was interesting but I did not care for the narration so you might try in print. I am going to read Diamond Eye for sure!

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I'm already thinking about the books I'd put on! A super good conversation starter- I will never tire of wanting to know other people's favorite books of all time. Thanks for the tip about the audio

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I love this. I think I’ll customize a gift for my sister.

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Aug 14Liked by Renee - Itsbooktalk & More

I listened to The Wedding People this last week and loved it. I laughed out loud. Phoebe's sarcasm and dry wit hit the spot despite the forlorn beginning. Currently, I am reading By Night the Mountain Burns by Juan Tomas Avila Laurel- life on a small island of Equatorial Guinea.

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Aug 12Liked by Renee - Itsbooktalk & More

I finished The God of the Woods by Liz Moore and The Pairing by Casey McQuiston. Loved both!

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Aug 12Liked by Renee - Itsbooktalk & More

LeAnne and Renee, extensions are available if you use Microsoft Edge. It's not hard but the best way learn about them is to google "Microsoft Edge extensions" The widget to click on is next to the address menu and looks like a jigsaw puzzle piece. Hope this helps. I am not a good "explainer".

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Thank you for the info!

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Aug 11Liked by Renee - Itsbooktalk & More

Hi all! I just finished The God of the Woods and starting The Stand by Stephen King.

I really don’t have that many bookish products. I have a kindle paperwhite, I have not used it yet! I’m planning to start using it. :)

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Aug 11Liked by Renee - Itsbooktalk & More

It's Sunday and I am finishing The Briar Code by Kate Quinn. Historical fiction set during the McCarthy years about a group of women living in a boarding house. All have different stories in their pasts and we get a look into each, while still hearing about the now. Plus there's a murder, and it's handled quite differently than I have ever read. I little long in spots so I will be giving it 5 stars.

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This is on my tbr, I loved her previous book The Diamond Eye. I'm curious about how the murder is handled

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Aug 11Liked by Renee - Itsbooktalk & More

The book I most enjoyed reading this week was MARGOT'S GOT MONEY TROUBLES (4*) by Ruthie Thorpe. Originally, I had no plans to read it as I didn't think I would enjoy it. But I was wrong. After listening to the author interviewed on a podcast, and a few more recommendations, I am so glad I didn't miss it. Single mom attempting to navigate adulthood in an on-line world. It has an atypical trope and wonderfully formed (and flawed) characters. At times. laugh-out loud funny. And for anyone who enjoyed Ruth Reichl's THE PARIS NOVEL, I highly recommend her first novel: DELICIOUS (5*) which is similar in storyline yet different in many ways. A pleasurable read. My favorite bookish tool is the Library Extension that links all my library cards to Amazon or any other booksite where I look for books. It tells me not only if either of my local libraries has a hard copy but also if an audio version is at any of my 4 digital libraries.

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Jan that's how I have been feeling about Margot's got money troubles, my initial thoughts have been that I'm not sure I'd like it- but I've yet to see a negative review and now you liked it too! The Library Extensions sounds amazing, I need to look into my library system and see if it's available here

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Tell me more! How does this work???

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Aug 11Liked by Renee - Itsbooktalk & More

I'm currently reading Fellowship Point which I'm loving and also I've just started the Dales Detective series which is exactly what I needed!

My absolutely non-negotiable bookish product is a kindle stand and remote, it is such a game changer especially for reading in bed. But also having the remote, reading on Landscape and propping it up on the tray (using the cover as a stand) when you're on flights lets you read SO quickly!

But also this fridge magnet is one of my faves! https://www.etsy.com/au/listing/1496556480/funny-cat-magnet-bookish-black-cat?ga_order=most_relevant&ga_search_type=all&ga_view_type=gallery&ga_search_query=bookish+cat+magnet&ref=sc_gallery-1-2&sts=1&plkey=906ee767b886f0161e0cd1996a45b44820ab1f5c%3A1496556480

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Fellowship Point is on my tbr, I’ve been meaning to read that for so long. I knew I wanted a kindle remote but now I want a stand too! That would be so convenient.

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Aug 12Liked by Renee - Itsbooktalk & More

It just let's you read so quickly, you can be snuggling in bed and still "turning pages" - I'm loving Fellowship Point it has Hello Beautiful vibes - I've never related to a protagonist more than I do with Agnes! x

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Aug 10Liked by Renee - Itsbooktalk & More

In one day I started and finished I’m thinking of ending things. Still processing 🤪 might be my fave of the year so far… so unsettling but perfectly plotted, but I can see why it’s divisive.

My favorite book product is my cheapo reading light that clips on to my book, not even sure I could find the link! Looking for a perfect bookshelf, I typically don’t buy books but have accumulated enough that I want to keep to warrant some shelves.

Looking forward to starting the Wedding People this week. I love seeing some thoughts on this thread!

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Aug 10Liked by Renee - Itsbooktalk & More

I read You Here,audio, enjoyable, fresh, interesting well developed characters and of course the Lakes Region, Sea to Sea trek which my husband did.

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So glad you liked the audio, I thought it was so excellent on audio with the amount of dialogue etc

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Aug 10Liked by Renee - Itsbooktalk & More

This week I finished Same As It Ever Was by Claire Lombardo, which I enjoyed but I did find it quite wordy at first but got into the flow of the book fairly quickly. I loved so many parts of it. And I listened to You Are Here by David Nicholls which was great on audio.

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You are Here was so great on audio! I enjoyed both of those books but you're right, Same As It Ever Was could get wordy, there was much less dialogue too (compared to You Are Here)

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Aug 12Liked by Renee - Itsbooktalk & More

Thank you for recommending You Are Here... I love having a good audio book! I am going to look into other David Nicholls' books.

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Aug 10Liked by Renee - Itsbooktalk & More

I’m not much of a products person but where I read is consistent. I live in a semi rural area in a harbor town on the west side of Puget Sound. Character and location are major factors of what and where I read. Fall and winter : my comfy chair in family room often with the wood burning fireplace heating the area, I’m up early and enjoy the long dark mornings. Spring summer: my husband built a summer cedar sided cabin, screened sides, it sit sits on a small hill in our yard surrounded by old growth trees ,birds and squirrels are often the only sounds.

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Aug 10Liked by Renee - Itsbooktalk & More

Can I visit ? ;)

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That was my thought too:)

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I can picture the cabin so clearly and it sounds like a wonderful place to relax and read. Sitting in quiet with only the birds is something I love to do but it's rare that I get extended quiet because of neighbors

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Aug 10Liked by Renee - Itsbooktalk & More

I finally started James, and I'm doing it in both print and audio. I love reading it while listening to the talented narrator at the same time. It's much "easier" to read than I anticipated. I thought it would be very literary & hard to get through, but it's not! I just finished listening to the Wedding People this morning, and while I enjoyed it fine, I didn't love it as much as I thought I would based on the hype. Bummer.

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I thought the same thing when I started it, the audio really helped to pull me right into the story though

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Aug 9Liked by Renee - Itsbooktalk & More

Last night, I finished All Yours by Claudia Pineiro. Pieiro is a Chilean writer who is best known for her crime and mystery novels. This is a novel about vengeance and an unfaithful spouse. I can truly say that I have never read any thing like it. Nothing like the mystery thrillers that are populsr in the US. This book is translated from the Spanish and is a slim book less than 200 pages. It is amazing how this whole story can be so fully told within a small space. Ines, the wife, is one pissed off, slightly nuts character...the author does such a great job with her and the whole novel. Time of the Flies is a sequel publishe 15 years later was just released and I look forward to seeing how the story continues and resolves!

Its cloudy and cool here, perfect reading weather. Have an excellent weekend!

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I'm going to look up All Yours, that sounds like something I'd like. I do tend to love a slightly nuts character. Along the revenge lines, another short book that was very unique was Confession by Kanae Manuto.

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Aug 9Liked by Renee - Itsbooktalk & More

I'm reading A Love Song for Ricki Wilde on audio (LOVING) and am about 10% into Peggy, a fictional story of Peggy Guggenheim and so far I'm very intrigued. My favorite bookish products are book darts, a book weight/page holder, and my kindle remote.

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I may have to get a kindle remote, everyone who has one seems to love it!

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Aug 9Liked by Renee - Itsbooktalk & More

I am almost finished with Worst Case Scenario by TJ Newman. It comes out next Tuesday the 13th. This is her third book. She is so good at writing propulsive plot driven thrillers about catastrophic plane crashes. She is a former flight attendant and brings that knowledge to her books. This one has trigger warnings about the plane crashing into a nuclear power plant and death. If these are triggers for you, I wouldn’t read it. If they are not triggers for you and you want a good can’t put down thriller, then I recommend it for you. All her books are stand alones.

My favorite bookish products is my blanket that has a bookcase on it with a cat on the bottom shelf that says “Reading is my Happy Place.” I have a sign above my reading chair that says Mary Beth’s Reading Corner, est. 2024. It has a side profile of a woman with her brain filled with books . At the bottom it says Just a Girl Who Loves Books.

I like ASMR rooms in the fall and winter that match the season. There is a fall one I like of a cabin with a fire pit on the porch and waves breaking from a lake, wind blowing and the occasional leaf blowing. The winter one I like is of a room that is all windows with a fireplace, a cat and the scene outside with wind and snow, especially if it is snowing outside where I live. Renee I live near you in Columbus, OH.

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So glad Worst Case is working out for you! Love the sound of the sign above your reading chair:) And yes I remember you saying you’re near me here in Columbus. I’m ready for fall armr rooms, we’ve had a lot of heat and sunny days, dare I say I’m ready for a chilly cloudy day?😅

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Aug 9Liked by Renee - Itsbooktalk & More

Side note: My daughter is finding that for the Kindle a lot of books she’s been wanting to read are not available on Kindle unlimited or Libby, so she will end up taking books anyway. Maybe the Oasis is better than this simpler Kindle she got. I think she is getting anxious about her studies. Yikes!! I am sure she will be able to find books in English in Barcelona.

Oh and one of her friends has been recommending Kate Quinn. Mistress Of Rome was the title, I believe. I have not read her yet.

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I enjoyed Mistress of Rome but like her more recent historical fiction better! The Alice Network and the Diamond Eye in particular.

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Thanks! I will pass this on to my daughter.

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Aug 9Liked by Renee - Itsbooktalk & More

I read two books in a row I didn’t enjoy- We Burn Daylight and Like Happiness. This is always what happens after I read lots of great ones in a row! I’m starting Margo’s got Money troubles and hoping for a win 🥇

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Aug 10Liked by Renee - Itsbooktalk & More

I finished Margo this week and loved it, so unusual but very thought-provoking

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That’s a bummer about those 2 books! Let me know what you think of Margo, I havent been in the mood for it but I know I’ll read it at some point in the future

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Aug 9Liked by Renee - Itsbooktalk & More

I love my glass teapot and matching glass teacup. I don’t have to get up to refill anything and can just keep going with my book. The glass is pretty and the cups feel delicate, the perfect weight for tea. I love my tea from Rare Tea company ( I think I heard about the tea on the podcast?). I just finished Cultish: The Language of Fanaticism by Amanda Montell. It was so fascinating and scary. I put it off thinking it was about all the different cults, which I’ve already listened to on podcasts. Instead, it was about the language that is used by leaders and followers and how it is also used in various aspects of our culture, and psychology behind it.

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The tea and pot sound delightful! I also thought that book was just about Cults

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Aug 9Liked by Renee - Itsbooktalk & More

Currently reading the new Jodi Picoult, By Any Other Name. It hasn’t really drawn me in yet at 15% in, and the 544 pages are daunting. Hoping today’s rainy day here in Maine will let me hunker down and get to it! I second the neck book light as my favorite bookish thing 💡💗

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Aug 9Liked by Renee - Itsbooktalk & More

I'm almost finished listening to Not in Love by Ali Hazelwood.

Bookish products I love -- a book light! It's a must for nighttime reading.

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Aug 9Liked by Renee - Itsbooktalk & More

I finally finished Madame Bovary (had been on my TBR for ages!) and I'm about 60% into The Wedding People. I'm enjoying it so far!

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I love finishing a book that's been on my tbr forever, it's so satisfying! I'm currently reading/listening to NEVER LET ME GO by Kazuo Ishiguro which is a much beloved book and one I've had on my tbr for years and have wondered what I'd think of it

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Aug 9Liked by Renee - Itsbooktalk & More

I just finished a reread of that for my book club! Love it so much.

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Aug 9Liked by Renee - Itsbooktalk & More

I finished THE ONLY PLANE IN THE SKY and last night i finished THE TRUTH ABOUT THE DEVLINS by Lisa Scottline. Thinking of going in a different direction and picking up THE WORLD AFTER ALICE MY FAV Beverages usually coffee during the day to stay awake while I’m listening to audiobooks. At night my favorite thing is to be in my pajamas listening to my audiobook.

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What did you think of Only Plane and the Devlins? I have the Devlins on my tbr, I enjoyed her previous book What Happened to the Bennetts . I have the audio of The World After Alice, it seems like something I'll like

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Aug 9Liked by Renee - Itsbooktalk & More

I was not impressed with The Devlins. Lots of unlikable family members or characters. No factor in the mystery. It was just run-of-the-mill. I gave it 3.5 stars. I want to report also that I’m very excited about doing my first buddy read with my grandson Caleb who’s going to be a freshman in high school this fall. We are both reading one of us is lying. I’m so excited about it.

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I Dnf'ed the Devlins on the first page this week! Glad to hear my intuition was correct! x

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Agree. I am generally a fan of Lisa Scottoline, but this one did not do it for me. I did not like or get to know any of the characters well enough, and the plot line(s) just kept crashing.

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It was my first time reading this author. I am hesitant to try another.

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Only Plane is amazing.

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