Jun 16Liked by Renee - Itsbooktalk & More

I need to listen to When You Find My Body asap!!

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Me, too. I found it in Hoopla and borrowed it. Will start this evening.

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Jun 16Liked by Renee - Itsbooktalk & More

Have you read Colton Gentry's Third Act yet? I adore his footnotes regarding the dog immediately after it is introduced into the story :-) He addresses this in his Book Gang podcast episode as well! I too hold off on reading books that involve abuse of animals - no thank you!

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Yes! I loved it, I’ll have to listen to that interview

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I loved that too, and it was the first thing I thought of when I was reading Pooley’s article!

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Jun 17Liked by Renee - Itsbooktalk & More

Recommend Trail of the lost by Andrea Lankford which might have similar themes to the Appalachian trail book!

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Thanks! I had that on my radar when it came out but never tried it

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Jun 17Liked by Renee - Itsbooktalk & More

Looks like I’m adding both of those nonfiction books to my immediate tbr. So much for plans. 😂. I do not like any books, movies, etc where bad things happen to children or animals. If you want to watch heartwarming videos, a YouTube channel “Rocky Tanaka” (I can’t promise the last name is spelled right but it should get you there anyway) is that guy and his wife - they go into their local shelter and he goes in and sits with a dog each episode. Her takes treats in and gives love to shelter dogs, most of whom haven’t been there very long. ❤️

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oh that's guy and his wife are doing something so special, he's making a difference to those dogs. If you read either of these books, please let me know what you think!

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Jun 18Liked by Renee - Itsbooktalk & More

I will. I started the audiobook of When You Find My Body this afternoon. I like it so far.

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*He takes treats…. Sigh

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Jun 17Liked by Renee - Itsbooktalk & More

I read Digital Minimalism a while ago and while I def could use my phone less, I find it doesn't stop me from reading (thank god) so I'm not too worried... but maybe I should haha

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Jun 17Liked by Renee - Itsbooktalk & More

Your musings about digital behaviour echoes my thoughts lately. My intention for this summer is to practise digital minimalism also!

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Jun 16Liked by Renee - Itsbooktalk & More

I just downloaded “When You Find My Body” on Libby. 🤗 Thx for the recommendation!

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Jun 16Liked by Renee - Itsbooktalk & More

I honestly i’m not being sarcastic or combative here. But I am wondering if you consider listening to an audiobook on your phone as screen time. Also, does the author of that book consider that as screen time? or is a Kindle or Kindle app considered screen time when reading a book from those devices or apps? I’m just curious because reading is reading regardless of the platform. I have one social media account and two word games on my phone for entertainment. I get bored with them but I have been able to hold off on downloading anything else so as not to increase my screen time because of doing audiobooks on my phone.

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I agree with Katy, I don't consider audiobook listening or reading on my kindle as screen time (although I know the kindle is a screen) and Cal Newport doesn't either. It's really more about apps, website and social media consumption, specifically while using a smart phone. And it's really based on whether or not a person is unhappy with their consumption or it's causing issues/problems in their real life. The book is very encouraging about setting boundaries with our digital consumption and making sure we're taking time for interpersonal connection and leisure time - it's not about throwing away our phones or never being on them. It's kind of like cleaning out our closets every now and then and getting rid of what's creating clutter- when we do it it makes space for other things.

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Jun 16Liked by Renee - Itsbooktalk & More

I was just curious of the definition of what is considered screen time. I was thinking of putting Instagram on my phone at one time butdecided against it. Sometimes i don’t have enough time for what little i do have on my phone.

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Jun 16Liked by Renee - Itsbooktalk & More

Personally I do not consider listening to audiobooks on my phone as screen time, nor do I consider reading a book on the Kindle app as screen time. Of course, this is just me, but I not consider things that are "static" - i.e. doing one thing for an extended period, sticking with the same thing at length - on my phone as screen time.

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I'm with you!

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Jun 16Liked by Renee - Itsbooktalk & More

Thank you. I spend too much time reading as I do not watch television. Some people consider screen time as television, computer, and personal devices. I feel guilty because the time I’m on my personal devices it’s time that I’m reading. I might take a break and browse through Facebook or play a quick word game but other than that I do very little on my phone. I might hunt it through Libby to see what audiobooks are available or audible to see what new releases have come out and consider that a screen time but that’s my way of shopping. I think I have my screen time under control. But that just my opinion also.

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Jun 16Liked by Renee - Itsbooktalk & More

Both of these nonfiction options sound so good! Like you, I’ve had Digital Minimalism on my list for a long time and I feel like I’m in a good place to listen to it now. I’m so glad you had a fun shopping day with your mom!

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If you do read it Tara I’d love to compare notes- and also chat about When you find my body too:)

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